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Jana Terblanche

 Jana Terblanche was awarded 300 out of 300 for her final visual arts mark in 2008 at the end  of her final school year, placing her top in the Western Cape.


Now having just graduated from Michaelis in 2014, she continues to shock, inspire and perform. She’s a performance artist par exellance.  Her areas of interest include notions of feminism, social constructions of women and the role celebrities play in defining ideals. She might be a bit risqué and wild but to succeed as a performance artist, you need some of that.

Joy Meyer

As a photographer, Joy aspire to tell the stories of people who have had to overcome challenges in life. 


It enriches all of us to hear of successes in this regard. To date, her experience has been in the customer service industry, both locally and abroad. Over the past seven years, she has gained experience in administrative duties and dealing with people – and believe this will stand  in good stead with photography.

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